
a site where experience is mind evolutionary ~theend~


Smartest School

Present by Anonymous on December 21, 2008

Dimana kita??? aim for this smartest school...

NEW YORK UNIVERSITY located at New York, N.Y. Department for Interactive Telecomminications Program. RUN THE WIDEST SCREEN. Students here designn interactive video for a 120- foot, high resolution screen inside achitect Frank Gehry`s InterActiveCorp building in New York. [NEW YORK UNIVERSITY]

CORNELL UNIVERSITY located at Ithaca, N.Y. Department of Game Design Initiative. At first IvyLeague school to offer a minor in game design, students take classes like "foundations of Artificial Intelligence" and "Computer Animation". Final Project : build ur own game. [CORNELL UNIVERSITY]

BOSTON UNIVERSITY located Bostan, Mass. Department of Emerging Interfectious Diseases Labaratory. STUDY KILLER BUGS. [BOSTON UNIVERSITY]

CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY located at Pittsburgh, Pa. Department of Robotics Institute. The first university to award a robotics Ph.D. CARNEGIE MELLON is robot Mecca, home to `bot builder for 29 years. [CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY]

UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND located College Park MD. Department for Space Systems Labaratory. Don a space suit and climbs into buoyancy tank to conduct low- and zero gravity test for next gen astronout gear. [UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND]

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN located at Madison, Wis. Wisconsin National Primate Research Center. Students aid stem-cell scientist in research on human and monkeys cells.

MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY located at Bozeman Mont. Subzero Science and Engineering Labaratory. Student will step into a -80F labaratory to study stuff in deep freeze. [MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY]

UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY located at Logan, Utah. Center for Integrated BioSystems, studying for clone life. Utah State were the first in the world to clone a hybrids animal. [UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY]

STANFORD UNIVERSITY located at Palo Alto, Calif. Department of Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. [STANFORD UNIVERSITY]

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA located at Berkeley, Calif. Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligent [SETI]. Berkeley student helps to improve the search algorithms and refine the software that ties all the computers together. [UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA]


Present by Anonymous on December 18, 2008

Kelas kim bru hbis.. jam pukul 5.30pm, slalu hbis kul 5.00 ari nie ntah camna bleh terlajk plak.. ak pn x perasan.. otak naek gila td... pg laa jln2 smentara nk tunggu mom ak dtg pick up ak... mls naek moto mmenatkan, while ader org yg nk tlg amik dn antar lebih baek guna kemudahn tue dr mementkan diri...

pergi 7elev, lepak la jap ngan kwn... sembang punya sembang tb2 ader laa... 3 org cina nie... dtg.. dok laa brdekatn ngan ak... cehh... x mandi perr... nasib baek laa.. diaorng nie pekak... kalo x pekak pn bgs.. bleh kasi balik umah prgi mandi bg wangi..
ak pn pasang laa sound absorber kat telinga dengo mender per yg diaorng ckpkn..

cina1 : aiyo... itu sumer no sport toto huh... bnyak x bg untung maa... itu miggu lepas banyk kasi

cina2 : itu kalo lu mau bnyak no untung lu prgi jumpa sama atok kat ipoh sana... [ sambil
mengeluarkan sehelai kertas poaster] nie lu amik no nie 019-******* atau no nie
012-*******..nie atok bnyak kasi itu no bnyak untung..

ak pn naek pening dengar prbualan diaorng nie bm berterabo... ntah2 spm dulu failed kot bm.. ataupn sek kat sek cina kwantong... selepas tue mom ak pn smpai... kami pn prgi ke "tunas bakti" pusat tusyen yg dikatakan bagus dan terbaik di kawasan tempat tinggal ak nie.. tujuannya nk dftarkn tusyn utk adik ak...

sampai jer tempat tue... What da h**l is this place???... ngan bangunn lamer + lumut2 yg pd aslnya wrna hijau telah mnjadi hitam... + ngan semak samun yg tggi cam tmpat perusahaan penanaman lalang dan semak plak...

ak pn follow laa mom ak nie pg ke tmpat tusyn nie... ak pg lmbat skit... tngok prmandangan penanaman lalang dan semak.. setelah tue ak pn prgi laa.. kebangunn td... smpai di muka pntu tmpat tusyen tue... tb2

lelaki : HAAAA.... saper tue???... meh masuk duk sini depn pkcik...

aku : Aiikk... org nie apesal plak nie.. td tb2 jerit kat ak...

sumer org menoleh kat ak... ngan pandangan yg mncurigakan, ak pn mengambil lgkah berjaga-jaga... memerhatikan sekeliling dn trnmpak ader btg paip besi kat sudut bilik tue... nnti kot2 tb2 nk rompak or culik ker.... bleh laa... ak amik btg besi tue dan tibai sumer makhluk yg ader dlm bilik tue yang mengancam ak....

ak prgi laa.. duduk dpn lelaki tue... setelah tue lelaki nie pn mngajukan beberapa soalan cam sesi soal jawab ... memndangkan lelaki nie tidak brbahaya ak pn jawab laa tetapi mash dlm lgkah brjaga-jaga...

lelaki : nie sekolah maner???

aku : sekolah seratas ...

lelaki : ha..ha..ha.. sorilah yer... pkcik xleh nk wat air milo nak bg kamu mnum... ha..ha..ha..
kamu minum laa air yg kamu beli nie sndri...ha..ha..ha..

[cehhh... die nie nk wat gila melawak ngan ak, xper... ak pn bleh wat gila melawak ngan ko... ]

lelaki : owh seratas... yg dok dpn zoo ngan monyet2 tuekan... sekolah tue bgs kan... outing kuar

aku : taiping... xkn nk kuar gi kamunting kot.. ataupn prgi thailand ker... ha..ha..ha..

lelaki : ha..ha..ha... owh ko pndai wat lawak yeah... ha..ha.ha.. mrsm dekat situ jugak
kan???... kat Malaysia ader 2 buah mrsm yg bgs... salah satunya kat situ laa...

aku : ader kwn sek situ... player hoki mmg pndai pn...

lelaki : memang laa... sekolah tue 2 bulan lg nk exam sumer study xder yg maen2 kat pdng.... ko
kalau dok sek luar kat sini... hmmm... merempit laaa... wikang..wokong... pacak 18 tingkat
sumer ko wat... bdk kat sini... x taw laa... blaja untk per pn x taw.... sumer pakat2 nk
blaja tp x taw.. tue yg masalah bengong pn bleh jd... ha..ha..ha... tp ader gak yg nk blaja...
kitableh push... sampai msk uni..

aku : btol... kalo nak sumer bleh jadi... kalo x mau... susah laa...

lelaki : kimia camna bleh??, nie f4 nk ke f5 or nk ke f4???

aku : kimia bleh... sumer bleh.... sayer f4 nk ke f5...

lelaki : kimia bleh... boleh jawab ker.. bleh blaa.??? ha..ha..ha... owh yaa... namer saper???

aku : bleh jawab laa... ha..ha..ha.. namer muiz..

lelaki : ha..ha..ha.. muiz.. blaja betol2 jngan jd cam budak kat luar tue... diaorg tue sumer gila..
blaja x taw utk per... xder tujuan hidup... kalo budak mrsm bleh wat xkn muiz xleh wat..
mesti bleh punyer... rajin jer.... laki senang nk masuk uni. koz kuoata die tinggi..

aku : boleh... boleh... sambil menganguk [ cehhh... pakcik nie brmotivasi rupanya... nmpak
selekeh tp otak geliga]

lelaki : pakcik... dulu blaja luar negara.... pakcik nie orng pndai sebenarnya ha..ha..ha.. puji diri
sndri plak... waktu ekonomi gawat pkcik berenti kerja... skung nie sush nk carik kejer..
bukk pusat tusyen jer... lg untung... ramei yg minat... pakcik kesian tngok budak-budak
nak blajar tp x dpt... x kaya x per... asalkn dpt mndidik ank2 muda...

aku : [ alhamdulilla... kan bgus kalo sumer orng ader pemikiran cam pakcik nie... terharu ak...]
pakcik sayer nk pergi dulu td dtg nk ikut mak sayer pas2 sesat...

lelaki : owh... xper... silakan... muiz blaja rajin2... sng jer nk berjaya... bleh punyer laa... [sambil
mengurut bahu aku dan menghantar kemuka pintu..


.:Additional mathematics:.

Present by nana on December 17, 2008

Huhu.....juz came back from easy +mat camp in semesti.....very very tired maa...nyway for my success i have to go 4 that's w0rth paying RM100!! for that camp because i can now use new techniques and understand add maths better....
s0,it's my first time 2 p0st s0mething 0n this bl0g which bel0ngs to a g0od friend of mine...Muhammad Muiz b. Zolkifle.....sorry yaa...c0z i haven't p0sted anything...very very sorry to you....
nyway,h0pe in da future i can p0st s0mething much m0re interesting.....[^^.]

Check it out..[skate to roll]

Present by Anonymous on December 14, 2008

check this out the new game that will release next year... [skate 2] for all the skaters
Electronic Arts announced that the sequel to its open-world street-skateboarding hit will grind onto North American Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s on January 21. While the other country is on January 23

screenshots : click image untuk besarkan

[EA black box]

Jawapan kpd Semua soalan

Present by Anonymous on December 13, 2008

Jawapn kpd sumer soaln yg diajukan... tidak kira dimana ak berada...
dari friendster ke myspace... dari myspace ke tagged... siapa penulis blog nie??? kenapa x letak section "abt me"???... admin blog nie???... ak dah kebingungan dan ketidaklaratan dan ketidakuasaan nk jawab soalan yg sama...

blog ini diupdate dan ditadbir oleh saudara muhammad muiz with a contributor nana... sbenarnya contributor tue laa.. pentadbir blog nie...

section "about me" xyah laa... taruk... menyemakkan jerr... secara ikhlasnya... isian blog nie xlah menarik... membosankan jerrr... tapi lebih baek karya sendiri drp copy paste aricle ntah dr maner di ambil... pas2 dengan teknologi menipu sumer orng.... gaya gempak... tp malang sebab dengan kebodohan sendiri akhirnya menipu diri sendiri...

ha..ha..ha.. bkn sekadar itu... article yg dikopi dan dipaste kan tue plak... mggunakan bahasa yg begitu canggih sehingga pembaca x paham termasuk yg pengepaste nie td... konklusinya lebih baek article sendri dan ayat sendiri... tuntasnya yg kedua... section about me x payahlaa di isikan... kerna akn menjejaskn reputasi anda... [kemerapuan plak...]

lebih baek jd cam amad, karya sendri dengn language yg trsndri yg digelar budak senget.. [ha...ha..ha.. mat ak puji ko lg.. jgn kembang plak...] tambahan pula dengan izat idris... pembuka kepada ideologi yg menghasut tp ada hikmah disebaliknya...[betol x izat idris... "betol" kata izat idris...] bertambahan pula dengan zen a.k.a zainul athari dengan gaya dan style trsendri... walaupun ak x penh jumpa blog die ngan izat sehingga kehari ini kerna jumlah blog semakin bertambah dari sesaat ke sesaat dengn article yg dirasakan menarik pada diri sendiri laa...

bak kater amad [mat ak puji lg laa... cehh... xleh nk wat per....]
".....pernah sekali terbaca mengenai satu kajian..purata orang timur terutamanya di malysia sngat kerap menjenguk blog mereka yang tak seberapa berbanding orang barat yng agk jarang membuang masa begini..

agaknya sebab inilah mereka agk mju kehadapn brbnding kita..hahaha..jdi sngaja aku biarkan blog bodoh ini terbengkalai sementara..terasa diri ini profesional lah kononnya..ceyt!!......"

[end posting]

A Walk to Remember

Present by Anonymous on December 12, 2008

Salam kepada semua... coretan ini ingin membuka mata dan fikiran semua makhluk yg pada asalnya mereka katakan "now we are global leader... we hve move on toward a great nation... where power rule the world... and what so ever..."

so who is this man???... Siapa lelaki nie??? Barrack Hussien Obama or Barrack Obama most of us surely know abt him... the next global leader whoes gonna lead the "great nation" with the red, blue, and white coloured flag.

Barack Hussein Obama, dari pandangan mata sudah dapt diteka lelaki ini adalah seorang islam.. namun begitu adakah dia nie seorng islam yg sejati or jus nama shj... Pelbagai article telah dikeluarkan oleh musuh2 islam mengatakan bahawa dia ini adalah seorng christian... bukannya islam... terdapat juga article yg mengatakan bahawa beliau sendiri tidak mengaku bahawa dirinya seorang muslim... oleh itu telah menggalakkan dirinya digelar Barrack Obama... dan bukannya "Barrack Hussein Obama"

Pelantikannya sebagai seorang president telah menimbulkan pelbagai tanda tanya kepada musuh2 islam...

Where will his loyalties be?

"...So, even if he identifies strongly as a Christian, and even if he despised the behavior of his father (as Obama said on Oprah); is a man who Muslims think is a Muslim, who feels some sort of psychological need to prove himself to his absent Muslim father, and who is now moving in the direction of his father's heritage, a man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?..."

"...Is that even the man we'd want to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, if Hillary Clinton offers him the Vice Presidential candidacy on her ticket (which he certainly wouldn't turn down)?...."

Should Barack Hussein Obama be president "when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam"?


Present by Anonymous on December 11, 2008

TAGGED by Muhammad Nasrullah Bin Jaafar

ha..ha.ha.. what the heck is this...
layan jerr...

01. what is the most important thing in your life ?
--> let see... hmm... firstly of course money, loves, colorful life
02. what is the last thing you bought with your own money
--> skate shoes skate maa.. RM170 ha..ha...ha... [nothing to say]

03. where do you wish to get married ?
--> Mesti ar kat masjid berdekatan umah bakal isteri kan....hehe.

04. how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover ?
--> hmm... let see... donoe laa... :] im still young for love..

05. are you in love ?
--> no maa... mood = skate or die...

06. where was the last restaurant you had dinner at ?
--> Johnny Restourant -Thai steamboat-

07. name the latest book you bought ?
--> Popular Science

08. what is your full name ?
--> Muhammad Muiz b. Zolkifle

09. do you prefer mother or father?
--> both "no doubt"

10. name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time?
--> huh??... saper2 jer laa...

11. christina or britney?
--> or

12. do you do your own laundry?
--> Yup....

13. the most exciting place you want to go?
--> Deepest place in the earth

14. hugs or kisses ?
--> both laa... ha..ha..ha.. who cares... cehhh...

15. point out five things about the person who tagged you
--> My senior at seratas
--> Hockey player... gud mentor for dehya "Perak player"
--> Owh yeah star hockey... eveverybody know
--> On9 mlm2
--> Save money [wanna go for holiday jaln2]

16. eight things i’m passionate about
--> Computer
--> Reading magazine "popular science"
--> designing tshirt [ where design is mind evolutionary]
--> Skate or Die
--> Hockey...
--> Trying new skill, skate or hockey
--> Wearing fashion clothes
--> [end penat lol]

17. eight books i have read recently
--> popular science
--> Physic
--> Biology [ study of life]

18. eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
--> Fall For You [ Secondhand Serenade]
--> What Abt Now [Daughtry]
--> The Kill [30 seconds to mars]
--> Fantasy [30 seconds to mars]
--> Sweet Jane [ vegas..]
--> that it im out...

19. eight things i learned this year
--> Additional Mathemathic
--> Biology
--> Physics
--> Chemistry
--> Skate [new skill]
--> Programming
--> huh???
--> [im dead]

20. persons you tag
--> huh???


Present by Anonymous on

ha..ha..ha.. im kinda promote my friend blog epiloguelooser that was under "ikemal"..
somehow i think his article quiet good and also "funny" only for those who know him...
Actually during the hockey training at my school last day...
ak wit my other`s friend asyril, wira, akmal meet him with... jus lepak2...
chating until late midnight... the topic all about the school and friends... fell sad to leave da school.. on that night i learned so much things from him... as my senior whose gonna leave the school and gain new experience outside there

Need For Speed [Undercover]

Present by Anonymous on December 03, 2008

wow... this was wicked... experience it yourself... im just post an article about the xtreme gamers, the side effect when you are in the "habit" but this time i could not let this go... im crazy about it.... "dare to try"

well this is therequirement for your pc to run this game. For best experience your pc must have high performence... latest graphic card, high RAM, good sound card Quality and also vedio card. For more information about the game log on to this Need For Speed and to test your pc performance for this game log on to test my system. Well this website might bring you to test your system for the "Need For Speed Prostreet" actually the requirement are all the same both of it

Need for Speed Undercover
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Developer: Black Box
Genre: Racing
Single Player: Yes
Multiplayer: Internet / LAN / Yes
Recommended GPU: GeForce 8 Series
Release Date: November 2008
ESRB Rating: Teen
Official Website

Xtreme Gamers

Present by Anonymous on December 01, 2008

this is an article i found about the side effect when we are in "xtreme gamers". Somehow it give so many side effect that we usually don`t feel it. Most of the gamers won`t sleep at night... there enjoy playing the latest game release at the market... nowadays technology can make the game like i the real world... i also experience it because i also crazy about all the game

this is what i found

Everyone knows Halo gamers don't sleep. But now a group of scientists in Sweden have published new research linking violent video games to increased heart rate variability and sleep disruptions.

In the joint study by Stockholm University, Uppsala University, and the Karolinska Institutet of Sweden, two groups of boys (ages 12 to 15) were hooked up to heart monitors and split into two groups, one given a violent game and the other a non-violent game. The violent game group experienced increased heart rate variability, which continued after they went to bed and was recorded in their sleep patterns, despite the fact that the boys reported no problems sleeping.

So what is heart rate variability (HRV) and what difference does it make whether or not certain games affect it? HRV is a measure of the normal cardiac fluctuations that occur during respiration. Your heart beats a little faster when you inhale and a little slower when you exhale. HRV is also used to monitor vagal activity (the vagus nerve runs from the brainstem throughout the abdomen, and controls the heart among other things). Excessive activation of the vagal nerve due to stress (for example, shooting a bunch of aliens) can cause a vasovagal syncope (a seizure-esque episode) and, in extreme cases, loss of bladder control. That's right, too much stimulation from a violent video game can, theoretically, make you pee your pants.

It gets worse. According to F. Baker's article in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research ("Reduced parasympathetic activity during sleep in the symptomatic phase of severe premenstrual syndrome"), similar HRV activity was noted among women suffering from severe PMS. It all makes sense now -- the mood swings, anger, irrationality, the need for unhealthy food -- playing violent video games leads to male PMS! Apparently, the HRV disruptions that occur in sleep from playing violent video games can have unpleasant psychological effects, which any woman could have told you.

So don't complain. Just take some Midol, eat some chocolate, and kill some ninjas.

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